Pangolin Package

Pangolin Pacakage

Kudu Sunset copy

Photo by Pascal Supply

You want to have the best pictures taken by a photographer in one specific location or you would like to have assistance of a photographer during your safari? Now you can rent a photographer.

The photographer will bring the required equipment with to take the best pictures. You name the date and place where you would need the photographer and we organise a photographer.

Afterwards we will provide the post editing, if needed. And the print of your best pictures taken during your holiday. Shipping of your the enlargements can be organised world wide.

Our rates for 2021

Indicative prices

Rent a photographer A full day photographer N$ 5000/day/photographer
Rent a drone pilot A full day drone pilot N$ 6000/day/pilot
Post editing photo N$ 1000/photo
Print From N$500/photo
Travel cost Calculated from Windhoek N$ 9/km/vehicle
Night Overstay > 250 km from Windhoek, 2 nights required

31 – 249 km from Windhoek: 1 night required

< 30 km around Windhoek: no overstay required

N$ 900/night/photographer or pilot

Would you like to have more info?

Please contact us

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